Thursday, December 13, 2007
In My Mind I'm Kenyan

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Family Reunion
This weekend was the Adams' family reunion. This is Derek's grandmother's side of the family. They are so good to meet every year around the same time of the year and the turn out is always great. It's nice to get together for things other than just funerals or weddings. Don't be confused...Derek is holding his niece, Madilyn. We didn't have another baby; however, if we would be guaranteed one like Madilyn, we might. She is such a great baby.
One of the favorite things for the kids to do is to go down to the creek and skip rocks. Here are Denver and Averi at the creek. Denver looks a little more devilish than his sister. You can tell he is always up to something.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Here is our winning relay team. That's right we took 1st place in our division. And the best part is we weren't the only team in our division. We actually won fair and square. The other coed members were probably on walkers but that's okay...we will take a win.

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Denver is playing soccer. He really likes it. It is so much fun to watch them. You all know I tend to get a little competitive so this is teaching me a serious lesson. I don't think we have won a game yet. We had a tie score last week so that is good. Denver scored 3 goals, that's not to say he didn't have help from other members of the team but he was the one that got to kick it in the goal. I wish I had pics to post of that but my camera is out in the car.
Averi fell last Sunday after church and I guess it's the first time she has been really hurt. She scraped both of her knees pretty badly. She cried for about 2 hours after the fall. She would finally calm down then the minute she looked at her knees she remembered she was hurt and the tears would come again. She was still milking it at 9:00 that night. It was so funny to watch her walk. She kept her knees bent and her bottom sticking out. She looked just like a little old granny with poor posture. I am sure this is God's way of making me more patient. I finally told her she was just going to have to shake it off. Is this something moms should say to their daughters? Probably not.
Hope all is well with everyone. Maybe some pictures will accompany the next post.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Long time no post
Let's see what else has happened. Oh yes, I felt like mother of the year when I looked in Denver's mouth and found a cavity. I wish it had only been one cavity. I took him to the dentist only to find out he had 8 cavities. Four teeth were beyond repair so the dentist extracted those four teeth and put silver caps on the other four cavities. Denver was so brave. The process took four different trips to the dentist and each time Denver was a trooper. I was so proud of him. I felt like scum of the earth for letting his teeth get into that shape, but the dentist assured me part of the problem is hereditary, part is due to the chronic ear infections and antibiotics he took as a baby, and of course part of it is due to lack of parental supervision while brushing. Now that it is all said and done, Denver loves his silver teeth. He loves showing them off and I must say it makes me feel great when he is showing them off to people I barely know. Here he is with his money from the tooth fairy.
Okay other happenings around our place: the kids now have a dachshund puppy (not really a puppy anymore), we are in the middle of a kitchen remodel (it is coming along slowly but surely), I will post pictures of that later (maybe my next bi-annual posting), Denver has started pre-school on MWF. When I dropped him off, I was fine, but as I was walking up the stairs to my school I started crying. He will be going with me next year. I can't believe how the time has flown by. I sometimes find myself wishing the kids were a little bigger so they would be tall enough to ride rides at Six Flags or do the water slides at Schlitterbahn. As I was walking up the stairs that morning I realized that they will be big enough very soon and then I will wish they were younger and smaller again. I then decided to quit wishing for the next stages to get here. I love my kids so much and I have to enjoy the stage they are in at the moment because they will be moving out of one and into the next in the blink of an eye. Here are Denver's first day of school pics.
I know this is a long post but I hate to not mention anything about Averi. She is growing up so fast. I look at her and she has moved out of the baby stage and now looks like a little girl. She loves her new cousin, Madilyn, so very much. She is such a little mommy. She actually takes care of all of us. She helps Denver find things he's missing, she brings Derek his boots every morning, and she loves to get wet rags and help me clean. Right now she has a song book and is singing at the top of her lungs. I have no idea what she is singing (it's a cross of her ABCs and The B-I-B-L-E) but it is loud and pretty. She may even clap every once in awhile. Who taught her that? Anyway, I believe I have posted all I can think of for now. I have to save something for next time.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Future Vet
Friday, April 27, 2007

Here is Denver sledding behind Will's pick up with the Hale girls. Lainey is in the back. You just can't see her. They had a blast. After a round or two, Denver told us his hands were hurting. Well no wonder...no gloves!!! He HAD gloves, but they were wet so he didn't want to wear them.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Not so loving on Valentine's Day

I am not sure if you can see the tears streaming down this poor child's face, but trust me they are there. I couldn't wait to get Averi's picture made in her new Valentine's outfit. Needless to say, Averi did not share my feelings. Valentine's-shmalentine's!!! She did not want her picture taken and by golly she certainly wasn't going to cooperate. At one point I was shouting at the photographer, "Just take the picture, just take it, hurry and take the picture!" I feel quite certain they were not happy when I renewed my smile savers card. That might indicate I was planning on returning. Oh well, smile or not, she still looks as cute as a button to me. Just wanted to share.