Denver is having a great time playing t-ball this year. It is amazing how far they come from one year to the next. Anyway, I like to consider myself assistant coach. Well, last night the head coach's family and the assistant coach's family got together for some team planning. Even though it is "just" t-ball we needed to make some preparations for upcoming games. I think we all had a picture in mind. We thought the boys would practice their throwing and catching. The kids had something else in mind. You can see what we got.
Cinderella and Batman
Precious, yet ferocious, Lion and Pterodactyl.
There wasn't much baseball played but fun was had by all. I think we said good-bye at 11:00 on a school night. Yes, we are parents of the year. Even if we did practice I don't think it will matter. Three of our players will be asleep in the outfield because their parents kept them out too late last night.
Have a great day!!!
Love the new blog! It's so POE!! Shame on those coaches! You'd think they were playing in the BIG leagues!!HAHA! Looks like fun was had by all!
Jason made fun of me yesterday about my excessive use of !! and I just realized in that first paragraph....DANG IT, he's right! Gotta get better at that.(notice the . intead of !)
What dedicated coaches... I just WONDER what you guys were "discussing"??? (ha ha)
Thanks for making sure that your players are having fun. Abby is LOVING it this year!! I'm so glad she has you guys for coaches!!
Love, Betsy
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