Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hello Fellow Bloggers

Hello blogging friends...I thought I would surprise you all with a little post. I hope this finds you all well. I must say that I have the blogging blues. I am terrible at keeping up with my posts and I sometimes feel like a slacker. I asked myself the other day why it is so hard for me to keep up with my blog. I think it is because I see most of you everyday so by the time it's time to post something it is old news to most of you. Then I started thinking about those of you that I see everyday and I always learn something new in your life by checking your blog. So instead of being a blogger burn-out, I am going to continue to blog and hopefully through this I can make you smile the way you all have made me smile as I read through your blogs.
Here is a picture of my new do. It is very short but also very easy to do. I keep telling myself it is just hair and it will grow back. I have found this to be so true. I cut it a little over a week ago and it is already getting too long to fix. This isn't the best picture but you can get the idea. If you look closely in this picture you will probably see a familiar face in the background.

Below are a few pictures of Denver at the stock show. I was so proud of him for getting in the ring with a lamb. His seemed to be the wildest of all the lambs but he held on tight. One of Denver's good friends was standing next to him and I think at one time his lamb started chewing 0n the little girl's hair and her number. I can't believe how fast he is growing.

As for this week both the kids are so sick. They have RSV and it has been an awful week for them. They are both so sweet when they are sick. Denver has used please and thank you more this week than he has in the last six months. Well, he says please and thank you but he often has to be reminded. Not when he is sick...he is so well behaved. And little Averi, she is so sweet. When I told her I had to go to work today her little chin started to quiver and she said, "I just want you to stay here forever and ever." Talk about melt your heart. You don't know how bad I wanted to pick up the phone and call in a sub.


Amy said...

I love it when you surprise us with a post! And a long one to. With pictures and everything. I am glad you decided to keep bloging. It is hard to keep up with sometimes. I guess that's why most of my blogging buddies are SAHMs. I actually can sit for about 30 minutes and get all caught up on my friends and usually post myself. It CAN get to where it seems like a pain...that's when it's time for a break. Glad your back. So sorry the kids are sick. We've all been down and out with everything you can think of. Flu, stomache virus, strep throat, and that's just since Thanksgiving!! RSV...we have not had. Wish you guys were coming, but we understand. Our floors are still not finished yet, anyway!! Get everyone well!

Jennifer said...

I don't post very often either. I never have anything exciting to report. Denver looks so cute showing the lamb. I can't believe how fast they grow up! I'll see you at school!

Betsy said...

Sweet post! I LOVE your hair - wish I had the guts to cut mine all off... it is so blah right now!

Hope the kids get better soon - sick kids are no fun!

Shelley said...

Thanks for the new post. I can always use pictures even though we get to see you everyday. I hope the kids get better soon! That is the worse... and makes for a LONG week. Let us know if we can help in any way :)