Friday, April 27, 2007

This is for my two dear friends that are much better bloggers than me. I really am trying to do this. Here are the kiddos at Easter. I was worried that Averi's dress would be too hot when I bought it. Who knew it would snow? I was so glad her dress came with the sweater. Doesn't she look like a little doll? The hat didn't last very long, but it was cute when it was on.

There wasn't just a little snow that weekend. Denver is posing next to the smallest of four snowmen in the front of our church. Four snowmen in one yard is a lot of snow for Hamilton, especially at Easter. Denver's a little mac daddy in his suit.

Here is Denver sledding behind Will's pick up with the Hale girls. Lainey is in the back. You just can't see her. They had a blast. After a round or two, Denver told us his hands were hurting. Well no gloves!!! He HAD gloves, but they were wet so he didn't want to wear them.


Amy said...

I almost fell out of my chair!! I told you I check it almost every day! I'm so glad to see pictures of those little cuties. I love it! Well, thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. I've only lost about 6 pounds, but I think my body is changing shapes from all that walking I've been doing! Don't worry, I have plans of a big brownie sundae this evening after dinner!! Keep those pictures coming!

Anonymous said...

They looked sooooo cute!!! I just absolutely loved Averi's dress. It reminded me of some Mom used to dress Emmy and I in. . . :) Fun pics. and a fun blog!
